Since I started my yellow period, I am finding yellow everywhere.
First I found twelve tubes of yellow watercolor paint in my office. In my continuing quest to become an organized artist, I decided to make a paint sample of each color yellow and compare them. It was somewhat interesting to see the color range of yellows, from egg yolk to pale lemonade. If I manufactured paint I don't think I would call yellow orange "hansa yellow dark" I would call it something we can all relate to like "old mustard".
I found lots of yellow subjects to paint hanging on my Meyer lemon tree in our backyard. The tree was filled with fruit in all ranges of yellows.
I painted 🍋 three lemon paintings this weekend and I think this is just the beginning of my yellow painting period. My husband is happy because my interest in painting lemons has led to me developing an interest in baking cookies, cakes and breads using the painting subjects.