After being at home a few days, you gradually move out of your post trip daze.
It's necessary to pick up where you left off before you left on your trip. Hopefully your outlook has broadened, you have aquired some knowledge of the culture of the place you visited and you have some new ideas you want to integrate into your old life.
So when you cook your breakfast egg you no longer see a poached egg. Instead you see possibilities about what else that egg could be: en coquette, an omlette, a quiche ingredient, or a topping for a crepe. This gives new meaning to me for the phrase, "Imagine the possibilities."
A crepe with cheese& ham & egg in Giverny
I am also looking at my paintings I did on my trip in my sketchbook with "fresh egg eyes."
Maybe this will be a theme for a series of chateaux paintings, a larger oil painting or a gift tag? Imagine the possibilities I tell myself.