Place your drawing supplies in locations where you sit around your house.
Finding more time to draw is a problem I am always trying to solve. I wrote an article titled, "Setting Up Cozy Corners for Art Journaling" for Cloth,Paper, Scissors Magazine addressing this issue.
This morning it occurred to me that one could find some simple office supplies around their house and slap them down in a location where they sit. This would provide a quick way to have a place to draw. Cozy corners are wonderful too but take more time to set up. Express drawing stations are no frills, diy, and take less than 5 minutes to set up.
If you study the photos above starting with left top row, you will see a basic drawing set up (pencil, pad of paper and jar) and the deluxe set up which consists of a pencil with white eraser topper, a sharpener, a pen, a bound pad of paper and jar). Next you can see the locations I found to place these "Express Drawing Stations".
Do try this in your home and let me know if it helps you find more time to draw.