Venice Scene Watercolor Lesson

How are you doing out there? Going stir crazy or being inventive and finding 95 ways to polish the dog? You can guess how I am doing. Mostly fine, I am greatful I have something I can do at home like painting and drawing and cooking and dog polishing. However, today I did jump at the chance to ride along with my husband to go to the Auto Supply to get a new car battery. The change of scenery was nice.

So taking all of the above into account, I think its time to paint Venice. We need to transport ourselves via our painting to somewhere far away and very different. IMPORTANT NOTE while I know the reality of Italy is very different these days due to Corovid-19, I am talking about imaginary, perfect Venice.

Here is the painting (which I did over my shaded drawing for a change) and a value sketch. You can print out the value sketch and trace it on to your watercolor paper or if you are need of a quick painting fix, just paint over the printed out copy of the value sketch. I am not judging. The point of painting these days is to enjoy the process.

Venice Painting 1 2.jpg
Venice Painting 1 1.jpg

I will be posting directions on Youtube later today.