What Qualities Do You Look for in an Art Teacher

Just supposedly you were looking for an art teacher. What qualities would you look ?

Circle the qualities that you prefer in an art teacher:

A.is authoritarian B.is sophisticated C.has an air of superiority D.Is down to earth E. Not critical F. Knows everything G. emits calmness F. Exhibits strong leadership G. Has several post graduate degress in art and art history H. Acts like they know what they are talking about even when they don’t I. Is able to explain things well J. Knows how to speak pig latin . K. Encourages making mistakes L. knows everything M. Knows enough about their subject to explain it to you N. Gives you homework and scares you into doing it with the threat of a bad grade or public humiliation O . Lets you learn at your own pace P. must love dogs Q. has blond hair R.is young and cute S. Is old and cute T. Is well dressed U. Is very organized V. Is popular W. Is a good listener X. Is very neat Y .is a sportscar driver Z. is overly critical but disguises it as “constructive”.

You might be wondering why I am interested in your art teacher needs. Well, I have been at home now for over 30 days and I have reorganized my paints, cleaned my closet, vacuumed the dogs, cooked every recipe I learned from my Mom and painted several travel watercolor subjects without leaving home. Now, I think its time to work on improving my character. If I know what students are looking for and don’t have those qualities perhaps I can work toward obtaining certain character traits while under confinment. However, do not get over confident in my self improvement quest, I don’t think I can obtain more then 1 or 5 new traits.
l will be waiting to start my self improvement program until I hear from you.
