Sleep Deprived Watercolor Painting

Are you having trouble sleeping through the nights these days? I am. I wake up with 1500 things on my mind, has this happened to you?
You wake up after a sleep deprived night and feel edgy and completely out of sorts. Your plans to save the world have to be put on hold because all you are capable of doing is making toast.

The silver lining is that in my sleep the deprived stupor I can sit and still paint. I’ve been wanting to do a series of paintings forever of the view from our backyard. Honestly, it used to be a landfill but the realtor who sold us our house said the building on the right was a movie studio. Anyways, now its a basketball center.
We know someday soon they will pave over our view and fill it with tract homes so it had become even more urgent to paint some scenes before its gone.

But you know what? Somehow I haven’t made painting our view a priority. Sometimes in the middle of my sleepless nights I evaluate my prior pre virus quarantine priorities and think about reordering what I do. At 3 a.m. I find it wise not to make any final decisions so instead I make toast. How are you doing?
