What Do Watercolor Painters Need to Do

I have been pondering a subject for a blog post.


I could write an exciting paragraph about my new repurposed deluxe water container I made from a container of a “gourmet fruit bowl” my husband brought home from Costco but that might not interest you.

I could post about the progress of my next book proposal but the progress is very slow due to my mental tap dance with book proposal rejection anxiety. I believe my book idea is a good one, which would teach you how to paint a lot of endearing subjects but publishers are picky. So I drag my feet instead of tapping along and getting the book proposals in the mail.

Something I can write about is how perfect watercolor painting is for outdoor social distance painting. I started painting with one friend in her driveway and now we’ve been joined by several others and are discovering lots of secret shady nooks and crannies around northern San Diego.


I stuff all the supplies into the basket and also bring a mask, a fold up chair and a sun umbrella. Snacks are optional but you do need water.

I highly suggest you grab some of your art supplies and paint outside. You don’t need fancy easels or other stuff but I do think a nice painting friend is definitely good to take along. Drive to your location in separate cars, meet up, chat about everything from a distance and pick a tiny portion of the landscape to paint.