Tell Me How I Can Make It Easier For You To Learn To Paint And Draw?

Have you ever enrolled in an art class, attended the sessions with all your new supplies and come away from the classes frustrated? Can you tell me the reasons for your frustrations?

I really want you to suceed and enjoy making art and maybe even develop a new hobby or income source. In my classes, I walk around the classroom, observe your work to see how you are doing and try to offer advice. However, what really helps me be able to help learn you, is your feedback.

Think about what confuses you in class? Would it help to familiarize you with the paint names and properties before you put them on your paper? Would it help if I showed you little steps like how to lift the paint out of your palette and apply it to your paper? Might it help you if you painted with only 3 colors in the beginning? I need to hear from you what you need.

If you are an advanced beginner, an intermediate painter or advanced your feedback is equally value for me. So send me your feedback, email it to me if it’s too difficult to figure out how to comment on this blog. My email is I am waiting by the computer for your respnse.