Rome Was Not Built in One Day or So Many Shoes, So Little Time In Rome

We arrived in Rome around 3:00 this afternoon. There are so many amazing places to visit in Rome it was hard to decide where to go. We decided to go to the National Museum of Rome's main branch in the Palazzo Massimo. It's filled with ancient Roman art.  Some of the gorgeous carved heads are from the first century BC!

I really liked the frescoed walls from the early Roman villas. The most amazing painted wall was a garden scene from Livia's dining room painted in 20-30 B. C.

Walking to dinner down via Nationale we passed some amazing shoes stores filled with amazing Italian made shoes in the latest designs, fabrics and colors. Even my husband, whose least favorite activity is shopping, could appreciate them. When I showed my new shoes to our group at dinner, Ruth snapped this picture. 

