Theraputic Watercolor Pajama Design Project for YOU!

You have probably finished waxing your dog, watering your stove and reorganizing your DVD collection by now. So you need a new project, one that is relevant to our current situation. I may have something for you to do if you are spending a lot of time in your pj’s these days or just like to contemplate ideas for designing new pajama patterns.

I am posting below, line drawings of pajamas that you can creatively fill in, color, ink or whatever you like. You can print it out on watercolor paper if you plan to use paint or you can print them out on printer paper and use them to color, draw, line your birdcage or use as wrapping paper for your next gift.

Your choice of what you do with the pajama line drawings is up to you. Studies have shown if you are given choices then you have more control and if you perceive you have more control you will feel less depressed or better, etc. I cannot quote where I read this, one of the numerous self help articles or books I have read, but just try it and let me know how you feel.

Pajama Drawings.jpg