Which Watercolor Paint Brand Do Bears Prefer?

In my previous post I wrote about 2 paint sets and a sketchbook I bought at Walmart. Today I decided to paint some more bears and test more expensive paints.

The bear on the left below was painted on the Canson mixed-media paper in the sketchbook I bought at Walmart. I painted him using artists quality paints (which are more costly) from Daniel Smith and Winsor Newton. The bear on the right was painted with the same paint brand but the paper was Arches 140 lb. cold press.

Let me know what you think about the different results from the different brands. I honestly think the example in the previous post painted with Crayola paints is just fine for anyone wishing to dip their toes into watercolor and have some relaxing fun.

Tomorrow I will paint the bear using a set of Prang paints that you can buy on Amazon for about $4.00. Please don’t lose any sleep worrying about what the results will be.
